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Gokavi, Cynthia
Medical Director, Gokavi Acupuncture & Pain Clinic
Past President, Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute President, Gokavi Transverse Technique Myofascial Pain Release Certification Program
My practice is predominantly of myofascial pain release and management. In the past 28 years I have used a variety of press needles and am quite impressed with the new Pyonex press needles. I find there are decided ADVANTAGES to using the Pyonex needles as detailed below:
- The treatments were more effective and lasted longer.
- Patient compliance was a big factor as it was less invasive and safe.
- The various lengths of new Pyonex needles provides a wide scope of use
- The high quality of the hypoallergenic tape and the stainless steel used allows the needles to be left in for longer periods without adverse reactions.
- The new Pyonex needles can be used with magnets to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment.
I use the new Pyonex needles in the following conditions
- To complete the G.T.T. treatment by using the new Pyonex needles (Pink and Blue) with magnets on the myofascial trigger points to improve the circulation and relaxation of the muscles which decreases the pain.
- In cases of symptoms of chronic pain e.g. Insomnia, Fatigue, Anxiety, Stress etc., I use it on the Energy points after moxibustion.
- To enhance Master Tung’s protocol in the treatment of various conditions, the Pyonex needles are left in after the needling with amazing results.
- In acute conditions using jing-well points in the treatment of the T.M.Ms.
- In the treatment of addictions I find the yellow and green Pyonex needles very effective.
- In the treatment of labour, delivery and other menstrual problems. Also to promote lactation, motion and morning sickness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting during chemo therapy.
- In enhancement of performance for sports, public speaking, performing arts and sports requiring increased mental alertness and concentration like golf, chess, tournament bridge.
- In the treatment of addictions such as alcohol, tobacco, food or drugs, the Pyonex needles when left in the ear has the treatment effect lasting up to 1 week.
- I have used them in acute conditions like Trigeminal Neuralgia and Migrane headaches left in GV26.
- I have treated motion sickness, morning sickness and dizziness leaving the Pyonex needles in, after an acupuncture treatment and found them to be quite effective.
- I have also used them in labour and delivery and in promoting lactation on specific points for longer lasting effect.
- I have used them in LIV3 for dry eyes.
- In children it works quite well e.g. in coughing on Lu7 and for exercise induced asthma on St36 & LI4 prior to them playing sports.
- I have used them for anxiety, insomnia and stress.
- I use it in M.S.K. conditions and also on energy points.
- There are several other conditions that I use the new Pyonex needles that are too varied and numerous to mention.
I would highly recommend the use of the new Pyonex press needles as it is a great adjunct to any acupuncture practice in the treatment of pain. In my opinion they are the best press needles available today. The needles are effective, promote longer lasting effect, are safe and children friendly. I recommend limiting the number of needles used at any one time be a maximum of 4.