Painful shoulder syndrome
Painful shoulder syndrome is the degenerative and inflammatory lesions of the soft tissues around the shoulder joint. The main clinical characteristic includes long term pain of the shoulder and movement disorder of the shoulder joint. The disease is more common for people over 50 and more common for women, , therefore it is also called “Fifty Shoulder”. It belongs to “shoulder paralysis” in Traditional Chinese Medicine, so it is also called “shoulder pain”, “frozen shoulder”, etc. The disease is closely related with chronic strain, shoulder wounds, endocrine disorders, combined invasion of wind, cold, and dampness and other factors, and mostly secondary to Supraspinatus tendinitis, biceps tendinitis and subacromial bursitis.
LI 15 Jian Yu
(Shoulder bone)
when the arm is abducted horizontally, between the front and middle parts of the deltoid muscle, in the anterior and inferior depression of the acromion
GB 21 Jian Jing
(Shoulder Well)
at the midpoint between the depression below the spinous process C7 (Du 14) and the acromion
SI 11 Tian Zong
(Heavenly Gathering)
in the center of the fossa infraspinata, at the dividing line from the upper to middle third of the connecting line, between the lower border of the scapular spine and the inferior angle of the scapula
LI 11 Qu Chi
(Pool at the Crook)
with elbow bent to 90 degrees, between the lateral end of the cubital crease and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
GB 20 Feng Chi
(Wind Pool)
below the occipital bone at the level of Du 16, in the depression between the start of the sternocleido-mastoid process and the trapezius muscle
Sp 10 Xue Hai
(Sea of Blood)
with the patient's knee flexed, 2 cun proximal to the medial superior border of the patella on the bulge of the vastus medialis muscle
St 36 Zu San Li
(Leg Three Miles)
3 cun inferior to St 35, one middle fingerbreadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia, at the level of the distal edge of the tuberosity of the tibia
SJ 14 Jian Liao
(Shoulder Crevice)
with the patient's arm abducted, in the depression dorsal and distal to the acromion dorsal to point LI 15
SI 19 Ting Gong
(Listening Palace)
with the patient’s mouth slightly opened, in the depression ventral to the tragus and dorsal to the caput manibulae
SI 14 Jian Wai Shu
(Outer Shoulder Shu)
at the level of the depression below the spinous process Th1, 3 cun lateral to the dorsal midline